Cliqk Branded Manuals
Cliqk Branded Manuals

Designed Branded manuals handed to clients for every Cliqk project

Branded Manuals
Branded Manuals

Designed Branded manuals handed to clients for every Cliqk project

Print and Online materials
Print and Online materials

From 2009 to 20012 I was in charge of all the online and print materials for SAE USA

Designed branding and image.

OCMH Non Profit Branding
OCMH Non Profit Branding

Designed the Branding for OCMH a non profit organization that provided mental health on a sliding scale. 

Cliqk Branded Manuals
Branded Manuals
Print and Online materials
OCMH Non Profit Branding
Cliqk Branded Manuals

Designed Branded manuals handed to clients for every Cliqk project

Branded Manuals

Designed Branded manuals handed to clients for every Cliqk project

Print and Online materials

From 2009 to 20012 I was in charge of all the online and print materials for SAE USA

Designed branding and image.

OCMH Non Profit Branding

Designed the Branding for OCMH a non profit organization that provided mental health on a sliding scale. 

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